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Santa Clara Studio 1998-2016

Unruh built a studio above his garage in the Forest Hills neighborhood of Dallas. Thirty minutes after he woke, Jack fed his hunting dogs, poured his morning coffee, and headed out the door to work.

“Jack’s greatest drawing was the life he created each day populated with family, friends, workmates and students, all enriched by his ability to make the deep connection. Scratches, speckles and brushstrokes of an afternoon at the drawing table, that dance into a coherent image more alive somehow than the event it recalls. Jack’s life continues in everything and everyone he touched.” – J. Dawes

Splatters of Ink and Life

Jack’s studio space was like his paintings—accented with splatters of ink and life. A life he lived and drew from, filled with memorabilia, family and friends.


Drawing on Nature

In May 2003, Better Homes and Gardens featured Jack in his peaceful, treetop studio.
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